New & Updated Amazon Programs 2024, Amazon FBA Oregon Prep Center

As you may have heard, Amazon has updated (and introduced some new) fees and programs for the new year.

Some of these fees and promotions are as follows:

Starting February 2024, Amazon has updated their Ships in Own Container program and renamed it as Ships in Product Packaging. This is exactly what it sounds like – if you sell a product that can ship in its own packaging, and does not need an outer box, you can enroll in this program. You are not automatically enrolled- you must opt-in to take advantage of the program. 

Coming in March of this year, Amazon is introducing new Inbounding and Placement Fees. Some of their fees have become less expensive, white others have increased. 

A brand new fee they have implemented is the Low Inventory Level Fee, which will be charged starting in April. This fee is meant to encourage sellers to keep stock at Amazon of their bestselling products, ensuring less delays for your end customers. While not everyone is thrilled about this fee, it is commonplace for other retailers according to Feeadvisor (linked above). McKenzie Services has a new tiered pricing model that will help you save money as you scale up and prepare to send more inventory to Amazon. If you’re not already working with us, reach out today!

Finally, Amazon will introduce Returns Processing Fees in June. These fees will apply to products that have a high return rate. Starting in May, you will be able to review your return rates in the FBA Returns Dashboard. 

What do you think about the new fees and programs? Have others stood out to you that we haven’t mentioned? 

Let us know in the comments, or fill out the contact us form today to sound off!

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