Setting Up Weekly Amazon Shipments with McKenzie Services, Amazon Oregon Prep Center

If you’re interested in weekly shipments to Amazon, that’s something we can do for you!

We have many clients who prefer for us to send in their units as soon as possible to Amazon. 

Here’s how the process works:

We receive your units and put them through intake. They will then be available for you to view, make comments, and add ASINs.

You are responsible for creating your listings on Amazon and making sure they are complete, as well as filling in your ASINs in EPIC

You will need to authorize connection of your EPIC and Seller Central Accounts if you haven’t already done so. (This is a quick process that just involves a few clicks!)

Your account manager will check your account weekly, or periodically in the agreed upon time frame, and create a shipment whenever there are enough units available, with ASINs filled in, to meet the job minimum. 

Why is this beneficial for you?

Amazon FBA Prep Center, Oregon Prep Center

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  • It reduces storage fees for you because we are shipping out rather than storing
  • It keeps your Amazon Account stocked and keeps momentum during the busy season

What are some considerations?

  • If you have units that will need to be bundled, please do not fill in the ASIN field until you are also able to leave a comment simultaneously – this will ensure your Account Manager is aware that we are bundling, so they can create the shipment properly
  • You will need to be active in adding your ASINs to EPIC, and checking once in a while for comments left by your Account Manager. For example, you may provide an ASIN that Amazon will not accept for various reasons – your Account Manager will leave a comment when that happens so that you are aware, and can fix it. 

If this is something you would like to inquire about, please reach out via contact us form, or if you’re already a client, please send your account manager an email!

If this does not work for you, no worries. We have plenty of clients who ask us to wait for their go-ahead to send shipments to Amazon. Ultimately, we want to do what is best for you and your store!

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