No Container Receiving Fees at McKenzie Services, Amazon Oregon Prep Center

In the past, we had a container receiving fee as part of our pricing – but no longer! Read on to find out more (and watch us do a live unload here!)

We understand why some prep centers might charge for container unloads

Firstly, when receiving a container, there is always a last free day and deadlines to receive the container, and the carrier does not always call the moment the clock starts. This can put pressure on the prep center depending when the carrier calls, because on our end there is a lot to coordinate while the carrier is left waiting. There is also a time limit on how long the staff has to unload the container. In the interest of not causing our clients to incur fees from the container company, the prep center you use will want to ensure they have enough staffing that day to ensure a quick and efficient unload.

That being said, we didn’t feel that the container unload fee was very helpful to us or our clients, and one of our goals is to help you get your products to us, and eventually forwarded to Amazon, as smoothly as possible. 

Plus, in recent years, we understand that containers have become expensive and hard to coordinate. Therefore, we decided to eliminate those fees last year, and instead, charge our normal carton receiving fees when we receive a container (please see our pricing page for our carton receiving fees). 

If you have a container you might want to route to us, we are conveniently located between LA and Seattle ports, and we accept containers all the time – ps, we can store as much as needed once we receive your container – there is no pressure to send it all back out to Amazon unless you want to!

If you’re a current client, please email the Account Managers to get started, or if you haven’t worked with us yet, please fill out the contact us form so we can connect! 

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